Data Sources

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The DataSource is a structural description of data used to render reports. The DataSource is like the software interlayer that provides data from the database, convert them and transfer data to the report generator. In other words, the DataSource is a description of methods, parameters, and data access methods. It should be noted that each data source uses a certain type of connection and, depending on the type of data source options, may vary. For example, some data sources may not have a field Query Text or query parameters. The picture below shows the New DataSource dialog:



A name in the source is specified in the Name in Source. In this field you can enter the name or you can click a button to display a list of names. The list of names will be displayed in the title of the Name in Source dialog;

The filed Name specifies the data source name that appears in the report generator;

The field Alias specifies ​​a data source alias;

The Query Control panel. In this panel, there are basic controls for the text query. Also the Rotary button is used to put the Columns and Query Text panel vertically or return them to a horizontal position;

The Query Text panel field includes a text query and a menu for selecting the type of a data source. The text field should be filled with a query. In the menu of selecting the type of a data source the following types of data source are available: Table and Stored Procedure. The picture below shows the menu of selecting the type of a data source:



The panel contains the basic controls for data columns, and also contains the New Parameter button;

The Columns panel contains two fields: data columns, which shows the data columns and query parameters, as well as the property field, which displays the properties of the selected data columns. Each column has: Name and Alias.



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