Import Reports from Crystal Reports |
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The Import.CrystalReports utility is used to convert templates from the Crystal Reports (*.rpt) format to the Stimulsoft Reports (*.mrt) format.
System requirements The .rpt file format is closed. Therefore, work with these templates is done via Crystal Reports interfaces using the managed dll. So, for work with this utility, installed Crystal Reports is required.
Work with utility The Import.CrystalReports interface consists of the following items:
Crystal Reports Template The Crystal Reports Template field is used to specify the path to the selected report template in the Crystal Reports (*.rpt) format. A path and a name can be selected either using the Browse button on the right or by writing the path or a name manually.
Stimulsoft Reports Template The Stimulsoft Reports Template field is used to specify the path where the final report template in the Stimulsoft Reports (*.mrt) format is saved. A path and a name can be selected either using the Browse button that is placed on the right or to write it manually.
Use primitives instead of shapes for the Line and the Box If the flag is not enabled then the Line and the Box components will be converted to ordinary primitives (shapes, VerticalLine/HorizontalLine, and Rectangle/RoundedRectangle). If the flag is enabled then the Line and the Box components will be converted to special primitives (VerticalLinePrimitive/HorizontalLinePrimitive and RectanglePrimitive/RoundedRectanglePrimitive). When viewing/printing reports, there are no big differences between graphic and special primitives. Graphic primitives are exported as images when exporting. So it is easier to work with special primitives. But, due to Crystal Reports peculiarity, special primitives cannot work correctly on complex reports. This is why there is the ability to select the option.
Use functions for Formula Fields In each Formula Field either expression or a data string can be placed. Each Formula Field is converted into the variable in the data dictionary. If the Use functions for Formula Fields flag is enabled, then the Function flag is set in the variable. In other words, when report rendering, Stimulsoft Reports will use the value of a variable as an expression and will try to calculate the value of this expression. If the Use functions for Formula Fields flag is not enabled, then the value of a variable will be used as the data string.
Information In this field the result of file conversion will be shown.
Problems with conversion One of the main problems in conversion is that not all object properties are available when working with managed dll. The second problem is the different reporting tools structures, such as data structures, work with bands etc. Therefore, it is not always possible to convert a report automatically, and it is required to correct a report manually.
Most frequent problems: - DataBase: Crystal Reports often uses their internal libraries when working with data bases. It is possible to get only some properties from .NET and it is impossible to get ConnectionString. So, not all data bases can be identified. By default, for not identified data bases, the StiOleDbDatabase type and ConnectionString template without specifying the provider is used.
- Data Bases: In CrystalReports, each report/sub-report has its own data dictionary, and the data base will be described differently in subreports. In Stimulsoft Reports, the common data dictionary is used. So, all dictionaries are united after conversion. If the data base is repeated then it is not included into the common dictionary.
- Image: Sizes and locations can be indicated for images but, if it is saved in the report template, then it is impossible to get the content of an image.
- FormulaField: Expressions and formulas can be placed in these fields. On the current moment, parsing and syntax of these expressions are written “as is”. So in many cases further manual correction is required. {Crystal Reports allows using expressions and formulas in FormulaFields. On the current moment parsing and syntax conversion cannot be done, expressions are written 'as is'. Therefore, in many cases, it is required further manual correction of expressions.}
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