Fonts and Font Brushes

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A font is a complete set of characters - letters, numbers, and symbols - that share a common weight, width, and style. Stimulsoft Reports has two components which are used to setup and draw text, the Text and Rich Text components. The font for these components can be set using the Font property within the Object Inspector.


Selecting Fonts


Text within a report can be output using different fonts. The font is set using the Font.Name property. Three examples fonts are shown below:



Any font that is installed on your machine can be used in a report. However, when choosing a font try to select one that will also be present on a user machine or a report may not render as you would wish at runtime.


Font Size


You may well wish to change the size of font on some components, for example a heading may require a much larger font size than a copyright notice.


The font size can be changed using the Font.Size property. For example:



Font Styles


Different styles can be applied to the font. A font may include one or more styles such as regular, bold, semibold, italic, underlined, and strikeout. You can control the styles using properties such as Font.Bold, Font.Italic, Font.Underline, and Font.Strikeout, and the styles may be combined to produce different effects like bold and underlined or bold and italic. Examples of font styles are shown below:



Font Brushes


Five types of brushes are used to draw a text: Solid, Hatch, Gradient, Glare, and Glass. The TextBrush property is used to control brushes. An example of using the five different brushes is shown below:




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