Visual Styles Menu

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It is possible to enable/disable visual styles of a component using the conditional formatting. Enabling/disabling visual styles can be done in the visual styles menu. This menu provides the ability to make choice of those visual styles of the component, which will be applied to it for triggering the condition. The picture below shows the menu of visual styles:



The Font Name menu item. Enabling/Disabling this item provides an opportunity to change/not change the font in the components that match the condition. If this menu item is disabled (not checked), the font will not be changed, i.e. will remain by default;

The Font Size menu item. Enabling/Disabling this item provides an opportunity to change/not change the font size for components that match the condition. If this menu item is disabled (not checked), then the font size will not be changed, i.e. will remain by default;

The Font Bold menu item. Enabling of this item provides an opportunity to use bold font for the components that match to the condition. If this menu item is disabled (not checked), the font style will not be changed, i.e. will remain by default;

The Font Italic menu item. Enabling of this item provides an opportunity to use italic font for the components that match to the condition. If this menu item is disabled (not checked), the font style will not be changed, i.e. will remain by default;

The Font Underline menu item. Enabling of this item provides an opportunity to use the underlined font for components that match to the condition. If this menu item is disabled (not checked), the font style will not be changed, i.e. will remain by default;

The Text Color menu. Enabling of this item provides an opportunity to apply the text color for the components which correspond to the condition. If this menu item is disabled (not checked), the color of the text will not be changed, i.e. will remain by default;

The Back Color menu item. Enabling of this item provides an opportunity to apply the background color for the components that match to the condition. If this menu item is disabled (not checked), then the background color will not be changed, i.e. will remain by default;

The Border menu item. Enabling of this item provides an opportunity to change the borders of components. If this menu item is disabled (not checked), the borders of a component will not be changed, i.e. will remain by default;



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