Using Aliases in Expressions

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To make it easier to understand expressions in a report you can use aliases instead of explicitly specifying the variable or data source and column details. For example, if you have a variable in the data dictionary called "MyVariable" and you have set its alias to "my best variable" you can reference that variable directly by Name or by Alias.


To use the variable by name you would create an expression like this:






To use the variable by alias you would create an expression like this:



{[my best variable]}



Syntax - Variables


If you use spaces, punctuation, or characters within an alias that are not permitted under C# or VB.Net then you MUST enclose the string representation of the alias in square brackets []. If no such characters are used then the square brackets are optional.


For example, if the alias was "MyBestVariable" then the expressioncan be written without brackets:






Otherwise you MUST enclose the variable in square brackets. Examples of valid alias usage:







{[Variable and Value]}


{[Variable and Value]}







Just for extra clarification, examples of some INVALID alias usage



{Variable and Value}// spaces in the name cause this to fail


{Variable&Values}// reserved character causes this to fail



Syntax - Data


The same rule is used and when creating the names of data sources and columns. But there is one exception. When referring to the data column, only a part with incorrect characters for identifier should be bracketed.For example:



{DataSource.[Data Column]}








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