Data Output

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In order to obtain a structured list in a report as a tree, you must follow these steps:


1. Specify the DataSource for the HierarchicalBand using, for example, the DataSource property:



2. Set the KeyDataColumn, i.e. select the data column by what an identification number of data rows will be assigned. For example, a EmployeeID data column;
3. Set the MasterKeyDataColumn, i.e. select the data column by which a reference to the primary table key of the parent entry will be specified. For example, a ReportsTo data column;
4. Set the Indent, i.e. specify the indent distance of the child entry relative to the parent entry. For example, the Indent value will be equal to 20 units of a report (centimeters, inches, one hundredth inches, pixels);
5. Set the ParentValue, i.e. specify an entry that will be a parent for all rows. For example, set the ParentValue property to 2.

The picture below shows an example of a rendered  hierarchical report:




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