Web Designer Properties

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Web designer properties are described below:


1. The BrowserTitle property is used to change titles of a browser. This property may get string values. By default, the title of a browser is Report Alias, and if it is absent, it is a Report Name.
2. Saving a report occurs in the background mode, so it will not be seen. If you need to show the process of saving a report, you need to set the SaveMode property of the StiWebDesigner component to one of the following values: Visible or NewWindow. If the SaveMode property is set to Visible, then process will be displayed in the current window of the designer. If the SaveMode property is set to NewWindow, then the saving process will be shown in a new window of the browser. By defauly this property is set to Hidden, the process of saving is not shown.
3. The SaveAsMode property, has three values: Hidden, Visible or NewWindow. The difference of this property is that, it works when the SaveReportAs event occurs, and the SaveMode property when the SaveReport event occurs.
4. The DataEncryption property is used to enable/disable data encryption. If the DataEncryption property is set to false, then data are not decrypted. If the DataEncryption property is set to true, then data a decrypted. By default, this property is set to false.
5. The DataCompression property is used to enable/disable data compression. If the DataCompression property is set to false, then data are not compressed. If the DataCompression property is set to true, then data are compressed. By default, this property is set to true.
6. The UseCache property allows using caching on the server when loading a report. If the UseCache property is set to true, then caching is used when loading a report, i.e. a report is loaded to the Web designer from the server cache. If the UseCache property is set to false, then caching is not used when loading a report. In this case for loading the report in the Web designer the GetReport event should be used. By default, this property is set to true.
7. The ServerTimeout property is used to define the time of a report in the report cache. By default, this property is set to "00:10:00", this means that the report is stored 10 minutes in the server cache and then it is removed.
8. The ExitUrl property is used to assign Url, to what user will be redirected when closing the Web designer via clicking the Exit button of the main menu. By default, a user will be redirected on a page from what the Web designer is run.
9. The ShowWizardOnStartup property is used to show the report rendering wizard window when running the Web designer. If the ShowWizardOnStartup property is set to false, then, when running the Web designer, the report rendering wizard window will not be shown. If the ShowWizardOnStartup property is set to true, then, when running the Web designer, the report rendering wizard window will be shown. By default, this property is set to false.
10. The AppCacheDirectory property is used to define the path to the directory on the server, in what, caching files of the Flash-application will occur. For this, you should set full access of the ASP.NET application to this directory.



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