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The StiWebViewer component can output reports in two modes: 1. using the caching and 2. without caching. If the cashing is not used then it is necessary, when every page refreshing, to get data from a report and render a report again. When using caching, then the rendered report is saved in cache on the server. The next time when the page is refreshed, the previously rendered report is loaded from cache and its re-rendering is not required. It is important to remember that every report saved in cache takes the server memory and, if there are a lot of queries to reports, it can be a critical factor. Therefore, it is necessary to choose either low requirements to the memory but high requirements to speed or high requirements to the memory but low requirements to speed. Caching should not be used if the end user needs a report with actual data when every refreshing. Using the RenderMode, CacheMode, and ServerTimeOut properties the caching can be controlled.

If the caching of a report is not used then the report that was rendered using the last data when page refreshing will be printed but not the report that is shown on the current moment. If it is necessary to get the exact copy of a report form the browser, then it is necessary to use caching.



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