Printing Reports

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It is difficult to print a report from the browser. Stimulsoft Reports has three methods of printing:

1. Converting a report to the PDF file and passing it to the end-user for printing.
2. Printing a report with preview in the pop-up window.
3. Printing without preview.

The first method is the best way. It allows printing a report more precisely. But it is required to have installed Adobe Acrobat to print a report to the PDF format. Often this requirement is big disadvantage. When printing reports with preview the report generator creates a new pop-up window. A report in the HTML format is output in this window. The end-user may format this report and print it. In printing report without preview the report generator prints a report without preview. When choosing the method of printing characteristics of each method should be considered.


Notice! The StiWebViewer component cannot control page parameters (page size, page orientation, page margins) when printing using the 2 and 3 method. All parameters are controlled with the browser.



Converted from CHM to HTML with chm2web Pro 2.85 (unicode)