Control Panel

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A list of properties for customizing the WebViewerSL toolbar:


· The ShowMainToolBar property shows/hides the Toolbar. If the ShowMainToolBar property is set to true, then the ToolBar will be shown. If the ShowMainToolBar property is set to false, then the ToolBar will be hidden. By default the property is set to true;


· The ShowPrintButton property shows/hides the Print button. If the ShowPrintButton property is set to true, then the Print button will be shown. If the ShowPrintButton property is set to false, then the Print button will be hidden. By default the property is set to true;


· The ShowReportOpenButton property shows/hides the Open button. If the ShowReportOpenButton property is set to true, then the Open button will be shown. If the ShowReportOpenButton property is set to false, then the Open button will be hidden. By default the property is set to true;


· The ShowReportSaveButton property shows/hides the Save button. If the ShowReportSaveButton property is set to true, then the Save button will be shown. If the ShowReportSaveButton property is set to false, then the Save button will be hidden. By default the property is set to true;


· The ShowPageNewButton property shows/hides the Page New button. If the ShowPageNewButton property is set to true, then the Page New button will be shown. If the ShowPageNewButton property is set to false, then the Page New button will be hidden. By default the property is set to true;


· The ShowPageDeleteButton property shows/hides the Page Delete button. If the ShowPageDeleteButton property is set to true, then the Page Delete button will be shown. If the ShowPageDeleteButton property is set to false, then the Page Delete button will be hidden. By default the property is set to true;


· The ShowPageDesignButton property shows/hides the Edit button. If the ShowPageDesignButton property is set to true, then the Edit button will be shown. If the ShowPageDesignButton property is set to false, then the Edit button will be hidden. By default the property is set to true;


· The ShowPageSizeButton property shows/hides the Page Size button. If the ShowPageSizeButton property is set to true, then the Page Size button will be shown. If the ShowPageSizeButton property is set to false, then the Page Size button will be hidden. By default the property is set to true;


· The ShowBookmarksPanel property shows/hides the Bookmarks panel. If the ShowBookmarksPanel property is set to true, then the Bookmarks panel button will be shown. If the ShowBookmarksPanel property is set to false, then the Bookmark panel will be hidden. By default the property is set to true;


· The ShowToolFindButton property shows/hides the Find button. If the ShowToolFindButton property is set to true, then the Find button will be shown. If the ShowToolFindButton property is set to false, then the Find button will be hidden. By default the property is set to true;


· The ShowFullScreenButton property shows/hides the Full Screen button. If the ShowFullScreenButton property is set to true, then the Full Screen button will be shown. If the ShowFullScreenButton property is set to false, then the Full Screen button will be hidden. By default the property is set to true;


· The ShowZoomOnePageButton property shows/hides the One Page button. If the ShowZoomOnePageButton property is set to true, then the One Page button will be shown. If the ShowZoomOnePageButton property is set to false, then the One Page button will be hidden. By default the property is set to true;


· The ShowZoomTwoPagesButton property shows/hides the Two Pages button. If the ShowZoomTwoPagesButton property is set to true, then the Two Pages button will be shown. If the ShowZoomTwoPagesButton property is set to false, then the Two Pages button will be hidden. By default the property is set to true;


· The ShowZoomPageWidthButton property shows/hides the Page Width button. If the ShowZoomPageWidthButton property is set to true, then the Page Width button will be shown. If the ShowZoomPageWidthButton property is set to false, then the Page Width button will be hidden.  By default the property is set to true;


· The ShowToolEditorButton property shows/hides the Tool Editor button. If the ShowToolEditorButton property is set to true, then the Tool Editor button will be shown. If the ShowToolEditorButton property is set to false, then the Tool Editor button will be hidden. By default the property is set to true;



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