Flag by Barcode



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When a barcode reader is available it is possible to use the device to flag items and present them in a list by scanning their barcode. The instructions below demonstrate how to use Flag by Barcode.


·Click Flag by Barcode on the right menu.




·The Barcode Scan box will open




·Begin scanning the barcode of the items to flag. Once a barcode has been scanned it should appear in the Barcode Scan box as shown below.



Notice that for item each that is scanned, the corresponding record shows in the Barcode Scan box.



·If a record scanned is in the recycle bin then it will display in red and have (Recycled) before the title. The allows recycled records to be easily identified when using Flag by Barcode.




·Click Apply once all records have been scanned to select them all in a list.





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