Chaging the Grouping and Sorting of Individual Reminders



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This topic explains how to alter the sorting and Grouping options for when Reminders are presented on the screen. This makes it more efficient for the user to distribute these reminders to the Tutor Groups/Borrowers.


·To change the Grouping and Sorting options of Reminders, firstly access the reminder selection interface from Settings / Reminders & Statements... at the top of the Management page.




·Click on the Options tab




When generating reminders manually, the top two options apply; Group Reminders by and Sort Reminders by. Definitions of each of these options are below.



These options are only applicable to Individual Reminders.



Group Reminders by


This enables the generated reminders to be organised together for convenience. If the grouping options are left at No Grouping then when the reminders are generated they will not be grouped together in any way. When using grouping by Tutor Group and multiple tutor groups are present in the results, the generated reminders will be arrange with the borrowers of the same group together in the print out.


Sort Reminders by


Using the options in the drop down menu, the reminders can be arranged in an order when they are generated. For example, to arrange them in alphabetical order based on their surname, select Borrower Surname. When the results are generated they will then be displayed in alphabetical order.




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