Creating and Editing Label Templates



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As each Label Style is different (different width, height, per page etc.) you cannot create one template to be used on multiple label styles but must create a template per style. The steps in this article explain how to create a new label template, for use on the built-in Avery L7651 style.


You can also generate a label template for Borrowers or Resources. Therefore, before you begin creating a new template, ensure that you are in the desired table. In this example we are creating a template for Resources so we select the Resources table from the left menu.


·Once you are in the desired table, click Label Print from the right menu (or click Modules / Label... / Label Print...) to access the Label Print interface




Notice that for the L7651 style, there are plenty of templates available to get you started. If you have created your own Label Style, there will not be any templates until you have created your own.



·To begin creating a label template, click New and the Label Template interface will open.


·The first thing to do is to enter a Description to label the new template. In this example, we have entered "Dewey Class with School Name"




·Next, start putting the fields you want to display onto the label using the menu displaying the fields on the left.

·Highlight a field (1), and then use the arrow (2) to add it onto the label (3).




·Repeat this process for each of the fields that you are adding onto the label.




You can use the available controls to help format the label template. Use the text formatting controls to change the font, make the text bold, italic or underlined and to align the text. You can also change the colour using the colour picker.




·When you have made the changes, click Save to retain the changes.







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