Creating new Reminder Templates



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By default, there will already be reminders set up in the application but new ones can be added or existing ones can be tailored to fit the requirements of the library. Is it quite common to add an address, the school logo to the reminder or include a return address if the specified reminder is being emailed.


Accessing the Reminder Selection Interface


·To begin accessing reminders which allows the creation of new Reminders or modifying existing ones, from the menu bar at the top of the page select Settings / Reminders & Statements...



·The reminder selection box will open.


·The drop down arrow in the initial combo box enables a different type of reminder to be selected for editing. The 4 available reminder types are Individual, Group, Memo and . For more information about the types of reminders and their uses, see the links below.


Individual Reminders

Group Reminders




·From this box it is possible to create new reminder templates and edit or delete existing ones.



For more information on editing the text on existing reminders, click here.


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