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Personal Homepage

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After a successfully logging in, the following additional features will be available from the homepage.





Bookmark Options







Links to the My Blog page, where borrowers can keep a blog of their activities.


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Links to the My Home Library page where borrowers can catalogue books / CDs / DVDs / etc that they have at home and manage loans of these items to other Reading Cloud users.


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Links to My Profile where borrowers can enter basic information about themselves and create / edit their avatar.


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Links to My Account where their Current Loans / Past Loans / Reservations / in the library system can be seen.


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Links to My Reading Lists where assigned and personal reading lists can be found.


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Opens the Management page of the Library System, also known as the Librarian Only link in


Requires the logged in user to have this access set.







Opens the Circulate page of the Library System, also known as the Borrow and Return link in


Requires the logged in user to have this access set.





Opens this Quick Start Guide.




Allows users to set a status message that all their friends can see.


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Shows all activity of the user and their friends (e.g. What books have been liked, Home Loans, etc).


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Shows information on friends, including:

·Who is Online – The online status of friends

·Notifications – Notifications of friend requests / Home Library loan requests

·Friends – How many friends a user has and the status of each

·Chat – Instant Chat with friends / See history of Chat messages.


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Opens a personalised list of suggested reading. This is based on previously read books and books / authors that a borrower has liked in Reading Cloud.



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