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Who Next

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Who Next is a way of finding other authors a user may enjoy based on authors they already enjoy.


The idea is that they look up one of their favourite authors, then try reading a book by one of the other authors listed underneath.  By moving from one entry to another, readers can expand the number of writers they enjoy.


The links that have been made between authors are of genre and theme, and also of styles of writing, or similar aspects of characterisation and settings.  Of course no author writes exactly like another and readers will not agree with all the choices.  Questioning ‘Who Next...?’ may be one of the pleasures of using it, and a source of discussion or debate.



To search for an alternative list of authors click the Select an author option on the Who Next area of the homepage.




A list of available authors to choose from will now appear.



Unfortunately not every author is available in the Who Next list.



Click on an author and then click on Search.


A list of alternative authors to try will then be shown.





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