MARC Viewer



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From a catalogue record card, you can use the MARC Viewer button to see a list of fields that you have added to the viewer screen, with their associated MARC tag. This is used in situations where you wish to see the appropriate MARC tag and value for the record.


·From within a catalogue record, click the MARC Viewer button to open the MARC Viewer screen


·If you have never opened the MARC Viewer page before, you will only have the photograph showing in the viewer. To add new fields to this area, click Add... in the bottom left corner




·Select the MARC tag you wish to add to the viewer. In this example, the MARC tag that corresponds to the Class field has been selected. Notice how the Mapped To column shows the field that the MARC tag is associated to:




·That field will now show on the viewer page




Repeat this process for as many fields as you would like to display.




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