Charts Properties

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Main Properties



1. Chart


Property name


Chart Type

Chart Type


Properties of the current area


Properties of the chart legend


A collection of chart series

Series Labels

Properties of series labels


Sets a Chart style



2. Chart Additional


Property name


Constant Lines

Sets a collection of constant lines of chart

Process at End

Sets that a chart is processed at the end of the report execution


Sets a rotation angle of a chart

Horizontal Spacing

Sets horizontal spacing between the chart area and axis area

Vertical Spacing

Sets vertical spacing between the chart area and axis area


Sets a collection of chart strips


Sets chart title properties



3. Data


Property name


Data Source

Get data source that is used for getting data

Data Relation

Get the link that is used for master-detail reports rendering

Master Component

Gets or sets the master component

Count Data

Gets or sets the count of rows for virtual data

Filter On

Gets or sets value indicates, that the filter is on


Gets or sets a collection of filters of chart data


Gets or sets the array of strings that describes rules of sorting



4. Position


Property name



Gets or sets the distance, between the left edge of the component and the left edge of its container's client area


Gets or sets top position of the component


Gets or sets width of the component


Gets or sets height of the component

Min Size

Gets or sets minimal size

Max Size

Gets or sets maximal size



5. Appearance


Property name



Gets or sets a brush to fill a component


Gets or sets frame of the component


Gets or sets a component condition

Use Parent Styles

Gets or sets a value which indicates that this component must use styles from parent component



6. Behavior


Property name


Grow to Height

Gets or sets value which indicates that the height of this component increases/decreases to the bottom of a container

Dock Style

Gets or sets a type of the component docking


Gets or sets a value which indicates will this component be available




Gets or sets value which indicates whether a component is printable

Print on

Gets or sets value which indicates on which pages component will be printed

Shift Mode

Gets or sets value which indicates the shift mode of a component



7. Design


Property name



Gets or sets a component name


Gets or sets a text that will be shown instead of a component name. If the text is not indicated then the name is shown


Gets or sets value which indicates the restrictions of a component


Gets or sets a value which indicates that moving is locked


Gets or sets value, indicates that the object snap to the container is turned on




Axis Area Properties



Property name



Gets or sets a brush to fill area

Border Color

Gets or sets border color of area

Color Each

Gets or sets value which indicates that each series is drawn by its own color

Grid Lines Horizontal

Gets or sets horizontal grid lines on left axis

Grid Lines Horizontal Right

Gets or sets horizontal grid lines on right axis

Grid Lines Vertical

Gets or sets grid lines on vertical axis

Interlacing Horizontal

Gets or sets interlacing settings on horizontal axis

Interlacing Vertical

Gets or sets interlacing settings on vertical axis

Reverse Horizontal

Gets or sets value which indicate that all values on horizontal axis is reverse

Reverse Vertical

Gets or sets value which indicate that all values on vertical axis is reverse

Show Shadow

Gets or sets value which indicates whether it is necessary to draw shadow

X Axis

Gets or sets settings of XAxis

X Top Axis

Gets or sets settings of XTopAxis

Y Axis

Gets or sets settings of YAxis

Y Right Axis

Gets or sets settings of YRightAxis




Pie Area Properties


Property name



Gets or sets a brush to fill area

Border Color

Gets or sets border color of area

Show Shadow

Gets or sets value which indicates whether it is necessary to draw shadow




Doughnut Area Properties


Property name



Gets or sets a brush to fill area

Border Color

Gets or sets border color of area

Color Each

Gets or sets value which indicates that each series is drawn by its own color

Show Shadow

Gets or sets value which indicates whether it is necessary to draw shadow




Legend Properties


Property name



Gets or sets a brush to fill a legend


Gets or sets direction of a legend

Horizontal Alignment

Gets or sets the text horizontal alignment of a legend

Vertical Alignment

Gets or sets the vertical alignment of a legend

Marker Alignment

Gets or sets the marker alignment

Border Color

Gets or sets a border color of a legend


Gets or sets a columns count of a legend


Gets or sets a font of a legend

Horizontal Spacing

Gets or sets horizontal spacing from a legend border

Labels Color

Gets or sets a color of a legend text

Marker Size

Gets or sets marker size

Marker Visible

Gets or sets visibility of marker

Show Shadow

Gets or sets value which indicates whether it is necessary to draw shadow


Gets or sets legend size


Gets or sets legend title

Title Color

Gets or sets legend color

Title Font

Gets or sets legend font

Vertical Spacing

Gets or sets vertical spacing from a legend border


Gets or sets whether a legend should be visible




Title Properties


Property name



Gets or sets horizontal alignment of a title


Gets or sets antialiasing of a title text


Gets or sets a brush to fill a title


Gets or sets a side to which a title will be docked


Gets or sets a font of a title


Gets or sets spacing from a title


Gets or sets a title text


Gets or sets whether a title should be visible




Series Labels Properties


Property Name



Gets or sets a brush to fill a series labels


Gets or sets a font of an series labels

Marker Alignment

Gets or sets marker alignment


Gets or sets angle of a text rotation


Gets or sets antialiasing of text titles

Border Color

Gets or sets a border color of an series labels

Draw Border

Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the border for Series Labels is drawn


Gets or sets a text format

Label Color

Gets or sets label color

Legend Value Type

Gets or sets legend type value

Marker Size

Gets or sets marker size

Marker Visible

Gets or sets a value that indicates whether a marker is visible

Prevent Intersection

Gets or sets a value that includes algorithm of preventing intersection with the X axis

Show on Zero Values

Gets or sets forcibly showing zero values


Gets or sets a step of showing series labels

Text After

Gets or sets a text that is shown after series

Text Before

Gets or sets a text that is shown before series

Use Series Color

Gets or sets a value that indicates whether colors are set for series are used

Value Type

Gets or sets a type of parameter that will be used in a series label


Gets or sets a value that indicates visibility of series labels




Series Labels (None) Properties


Property Name


Marker Alignment

Gets or sets marker alignment


Gets or sets angle of a text rotation

Draw Border

Gets or sets a value that indicates whether border for series labels should be drawn


Gets or sets text formatting

Legend Value Type

Gets or sets legend value type

Marker Size

Gets or sets marker size

Marker Visible

Gets or sets whether a marker should be visible

Show on Zero Values

Gets or sets force showing zero values


Gets or sets a step of showing series labels

Text After

Gets or sets a text that is shown after series

Text Before

Gets or sets a text that is shown before series

Use Series Color

Gets or sets a value that indicates whether colors are set for series are used

Value Type

Gets or sets a type of parameter that will be used in a series label




Series Labels (Outside) Properties


Property Name



Gets or sets a brush to fill a series labels


Gets or sets a font of an series labels

Marker Alignment

Gets or sets marker alignment


Gets or sets angle of a text rotation


Gets or sets antialiasing of Series Labels

Border Color

Gets or sets a border color of series labels

Draw Border

Gets or sets a value that indicates whether border for series labels should be drawn


Gets or sets text formatting

Label Color

Gets or sets label color

Legend Value Type

Gets or sets legend value type

Line Length

Gets or sets length of a connecting line of a series label

Marker Size

Gets or sets marker size

Marker Visible

Gets or sets whether a marker should be visible

Show on Zero Values

Gets or sets force showing zero values


Gets or sets a step of showing series labels

Text After

Gets or sets a text that is shown after series

Text Before

Gets or sets a text that is shown before series

Use Series Color

Gets or sets a value that indicates whether colors are set for series are used

Value Type

Gets or sets a type of parameter that will be used in a series label


Gets or sets a value that indicates visibility of series labels




Axis Properties


Property Name


Arrow Style

Gets or sets arrow style


Gets or sets labels

Line Color

Gets or sets line color

Line Style

Gets or sets line style

Line Width

Gets or sets line width


Gets or sets range

Show Edge Values

Gets or sets show edge values

Start From Zero

Gets or sets a value that indicates how a chart should be shown on the chart area


Gets or sets step


Gets or sets ticks


Gets or sets a title


Gets or sets a value that indicates visibility of axis




Grid Lines Properties


Property Name



Gets or sets color

Minor Color

Gets or sets minor ticks color

Minor Count

Gets or sets minor ticks count

Minor Style

Gets or sets minor ticks style

Minor Visible

Gets or sets minor ticks visibility


Gets or sets style


Gets or sets visibility




Interlacing Properties


Property Name


Interlaced Brush

Gets or sets Interlaced Brush


Gets or sets visibility




Clustered Column, Clustered Bar, Stacked Column,
Full-Stacked Column, Stacked Bar Series Properties


1. Data

Property Name



Gets or sets a collection of conditions


Gets or sets a collection of filters


Gets or sets a data format in what series labels will be shown

Sort by

Gets or sets section of sorting data by values, arguments, of without sorting

Sort Direction

Gets or sets sort direction

Auto Series Key Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name with the key-value that is used to create series automatically

Auto Series Color Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name that defines color of automatically created series. The color should be represented as a string

Auto Series Title Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name that defines a title of automatically created series

2. Appearance

Property Name


Border Color

Gets or sets a border color


Gets or sets a series brush

Show Shadow

Gets or sets a shadow

3. Behavior

Property Name


Show Zeros

Gets or sets a value that visualizes zero values of series


Gets or sets a series column width

Y Axis

Gets or sets axis to what a series is assigned

Series Labels

Gets or sets series labels for this series

Show in Legend

Gets or sets value that allows showing series label in a legend

Show Series Labels

Gets or sets which type of series labels will be used: from chart settings or from settings from the series


Gets or sets a series title

4. Argument

Property Name


Argument Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name that indicates a value of an argument


Gets or sets an expression of an argument. For example: {Order.Argument}

List of Arguments

Gets or sets an expression that indicates a list of arguments. For example: 1;2;3

5. Value

Property Name


Value Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name that indicates a value of data


Gets or sets an expression of a value. For example: {Order.Value}

List of Values

Gets or sets an expression that indicates a list of values. For example: 1;2;3




Line, Scatter Line Series Properties


1. Data

Property Name



Gets or sets a collection of filters


Gets or sets a data format in what series labels will be shown

Sort by

Gets or sets a selection of data sorting by values, arguments, or without sorting

Sort Direction

Gets or sets a direction of sorting

Auto Series Key Data Column

Gets or sets data column name with the key-value that is used to create series automatically

Auto Series Color Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name that defines color of automatically created series. The color should be represented as a string

Auto Series Title Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name that defines a title of automatically created series

2. Appearance

Property Name


Labels Offset

Gets or sets vertical offset of labels in relation to its first position


Gets or sets sets line lighting

Line Color

Gets or sets line color

Line Style

Gets or sets line style

Line Width

Gets or sets line width

Marker Color

Gets or sets marker color

Marker Size

Gets or sets marker size

Marker Type

Gets or sets marker type

Show Shadow

Gets or sets series shadow


3. Behavior

Property Name


Show Marker

Gets or sets marker showing

Y Axis

Gets or sets axis to what a series is assigned

Series Labels

Gets or sets series labels for this series

Show in Legend

Gets or sets value that allows showing series label in a legend

Show Series Labels

Gets or sets which type of series labels will be used: from chart settings or from settings from the series


Gets or sets series title

4. Argument

Property Name


Argument Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name that indicates a value of an argument


Gets or sets an expression of an argument. For example: {Order.Argument}

List of Arguments

Gets or sets an expression that indicates a list of arguments. For example: 1;2;3



5. Value

Property Name


Value Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name that indicates a value of data


Gets or sets an expression of a value. For example: {Order.Value}

List of Values

Gets or sets an expression that indicates a list of values. For example: 1;2;3



Stepped Line Series Properties


1. Data

Property Name



Gets or sets a collection of filters


Gets or sets a data format in what series labels will be shown

Sort by

Gets or sets a selection of data sorting by values, arguments, or without sorting

Sort Direction

Gets or sets direction of sorting

Auto Series Key Data Column

Gets or sets data column name with the key-value that is used to create series automatically

Auto Series Color Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name that defines color of automatically created series. The color should be represented as a string

Auto Series Title Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name that defines a title of automatically created series

2. Appearance

Property Name


Labels Offset

Gets or sets vertical offset of labels in relation to its first position


Gets or sets sets line lighting

Line Color

Gets or sets line color

Line Style

Gets or sets line style

Line Width

Gets or sets line width

Marker Color

Gets or sets marker color

Marker Size

Gets or sets marker size

Marker Type

Gets or sets marker type

Show Shadow

Gets or sets whether a shadow must be shown

3. Behavior

Property Name


Point at Center

Gets or sets showing a value by the center of a line

Show Marker

Gets or sets marker showing

Y Axis

Gets or sets axis to what a series is assigned

Series Labels

Gets or sets series labels for this series

Show in Legend

Gets or sets value that allows showing series label in a legend

Show Series Labels

Gets or sets which type of series labels will be used: from chart settings or from settings from the series


Gets or sets a series title

4. Argument

Property Name


Argument Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name that indicates a value of an argument


Gets or sets an expression of an argument. For example: {Order.Argument}

List of Arguments

Gets or sets an expression that indicates a list of arguments. For example: 1;2;3

5. Value

Property Name


Value Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name that indicates a value of data


Gets or sets an expression of a value. For example: {Order.Value}

List of Values

Gets or sets an expression that indicates a list of values. For example: 1;2;3




Spline, Scatter Spline Series Properties


1. Data

Property Name



Gets or sets a collection of filters


Gets or sets a data format in what series labels will be shown

Sort by

Gets or sets a selection of data sorting by values, arguments, or without sorting

Sort Direction

Gets or sets direction of sorting

Auto Series Key Data Column

Gets or sets data column name with the key-value that is used to create series automatically

Auto Series Color Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name that defines color of automatically created series. The color should be represented as a string

Auto Series Title Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name that defines a title of automatically created series

2. Appearance

Property Name


Labels Offset

Gets or sets vertical offset of labels in relation to its first position


Gets or sets sets line lighting

Line Color

Gets or sets line color

Line Style

Gets or sets line style

Line Width

Gets or sets line width

Marker Color

Gets or sets marker color

Marker Size

Gets or sets marker size

Marker Type

Gets or sets marker type

Show Shadow

Gets or sets whether a shadow must be shown

3. Behavior

Property Name


Show Marker

Gets or sets marker showing


Gets or sets tension of a line

Y Axis

Gets or sets axis to what a series is assigned

Series Labels

Gets or sets series labels for this series

Show in Legend

Gets or sets value that allows showing series label in a legend

Show Series Labels

Gets or sets which type of series labels will be used: from chart settings or from settings from the series


Gets or sets a series title

4. Argument

Property Name


Argument Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name that indicates a value of an argument


Gets or sets an expression of an argument. For example: {Order.Argument}

List of Arguments

Gets or sets an expression that indicates a list of arguments. For example: 1;2;3

5. Value

Property Name


Value Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name that indicates a value of data


Gets or sets an expression of a value. For example: {Order.Value}

List of Values

Gets or sets an expression that indicates a list of values. For example: 1;2;3




Area Series Properties


1. Data

Property Name



Gets or sets a collection of filters


Gets or sets a data format in what series labels will be shown

Sort by

Gets or sets a selection of data sorting by values, arguments, or without sorting

Sort Direction

Gets or sets direction of sorting

Auto Series Key Data Column

Gets or sets data column name with the key-value that is used to create series automatically

Auto Series Color Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name that defines color of automatically created series. The color should be represented as a string

Auto Series Title Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name that defines a title of automatically created series

2. Appearance

Property Name



Gets or sets a brush

Labels Offset

Gets or sets vertical offset of labels in relation to its first position


Gets or sets sets line lighting

Line Color

Gets or sets line color

Line Style

Gets or sets line style

Line Width

Gets or sets line width

Marker Color

Gets or sets marker color

Marker Size

Gets or sets marker size

Marker Type

Gets or sets marker type

Show Shadow

Gets or sets whether a shadow must be shown

3. Behavior

Property Name


Show Marker

Gets or sets marker showing

Y Axis

Gets or sets axis to what a series is assigned

Series Labels

Gets or sets series labels for this series

Show in Legend

Gets or sets value that allows showing series label in a legend

Show Series Labels

Gets or sets which type of series labels will be used: from chart settings or from settings from the series


Gets or sets a series title

4. Argument

Property Name


Argument Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name that indicates a value of an argument


Gets or sets an expression of an argument. For example: {Order.Argument}

List of Arguments

Gets or sets an expression that indicates a list of arguments. For example: 1;2;3



5. Value

Property Name


Value Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name that indicates a value of data


Gets or sets an expression of a value. For example: {Order.Value}

List of Values

Gets or sets an expression that indicates a list of values. For example: 1;2;3




Stepped Area Series Properties


1. Data

Property Name



Gets or sets a collection of filters


Gets or sets a data format in what series labels will be shown

Sort by

Gets or sets a selection of data sorting by values, arguments, or without sorting

Sort Direction

Gets or sets direction of sorting

Auto Series Key Data Column

Gets or sets data column name with the key-value that is used to create series automatically

Auto Series Color Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name that defines color of automatically created series. The color should be represented as a string

Auto Series Title Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name that defines a title of automatically created series

2. Appearance

Property Name



Gets or sets a brush

Labels Offset

Gets or sets vertical offset of labels in relation to its first position


Gets or sets sets line lighting

Line Color

Gets or sets line color

Line Style

Gets or sets line style

Line Width

Gets or sets line width

Marker Color

Gets or sets marker color

Marker Size

Gets or sets marker size

Marker Type

Gets or sets marker type

Show Shadow

Gets or sets whether a shadow must be shown


3. Behavior

Property Name


Point at Center

Gets or sets showing a value by the center of a line

Show Marker

Gets or sets marker showing

Y Axis

Gets or sets axis to what a series is assigned

Series Labels

Gets or sets series labels for this series

Show in Legend

Gets or sets value that allows showing series label in a legend

Show Series Labels

Gets or sets which type of series labels will be used: from chart settings or from settings from the series


Gets or sets a series title

4. Argument

Property Name


Argument Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name that indicates a value of an argument


Gets or sets an expression of an argument. For example: {Order.Argument}

List of Arguments

Gets or sets an expression that indicates a list of arguments. For example: 1;2;3

5. Value

Property Name


Value Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name that indicates a value of data


Gets or sets an expression of a value. For example: {Order.Value}

List of Values

Gets or sets an expression that indicates a list of values. For example: 1;2;3




Spline Area Series Properties


1. Data

Property Name



Gets or sets a collection of filters


Gets or sets a data format in what series labels will be shown

Sort by

Gets or sets a selection of data sorting by values, arguments, or without sorting

Sort Direction

Gets or sets direction of sorting

Auto Series Key Data Column

Gets or sets data column name with the key-value that is used to create series automatically

Auto Series Color Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name that defines color of automatically created series. The color should be represented as a string

Auto Series Title Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name that defines a title of automatically created series


2. Appearance

Property Name



Gets or sets a brush

Labels Offset

Gets or sets vertical offset of labels in relation to its first position


Gets or sets sets line lighting

Line Color

Gets or sets line color

Line Style

Gets or sets line style

Line Width

Gets or sets line width

Marker Color

Gets or sets marker color

Marker Size

Gets or sets marker size

Marker Type

Gets or sets marker type

Show Shadow

Gets or sets whether a shadow must be shown

3. Behavior

Property Name


Show Marker

Gets or sets marker showing


Gets or sets tension of a line

Y Axis

Gets or sets axis to what a series is assigned

Series Labels

Gets or sets series labels for this series

Show in Legend

Gets or sets value that allows showing series label in a legend

Show Series Labels

Gets or sets which type of series labels will be used: from chart settings or from settings from the series


Gets or sets a series title

4. Argument

Property Name


Argument Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name that indicates a value of an argument


Gets or sets an expression of an argument. For example: {Order.Argument}

List of Arguments

Gets or sets an expression that indicates a list of arguments. For example: 1;2;3

5. Value

Property Name


Value Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name that indicates a value of data


Gets or sets an expression of a value. For example: {Order.Value}

List of Values

Gets or sets an expression that indicates a list of values. For example: 1;2;3




Stacked Line, Full-Stacked Line Series Properties


1. Data

Property Name



Gets or sets a collection of filters


Gets or sets a data format in what series labels will be shown

Sort by

Gets or sets a selection of data sorting by values, arguments, or without sorting

Sort Direction

Gets or sets direction of sorting

Auto Series Key Data Column

Gets or sets data column name with the key-value that is used to create series automatically

Auto Series Color Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name that defines color of automatically created series. The color should be represented as a string

Auto Series Title Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name that defines a title of automatically created series

2. Appearance

Property Name



Gets or sets sets line lighting

Line Color

Gets or sets line color

Line Style

Gets or sets line style

Line Width

Gets or sets line width

Marker Color

Gets or sets marker color

Marker Size

Gets or sets marker size

Marker Type

Gets or sets marker type

Show Shadow

Gets or sets whether a shadow must be shown

3. Behavior

Property Name


Show Marker

Gets or sets marker showing

Y Axis

Gets or sets axis to what a series is assigned

Series Labels

Gets or sets series labels for this series

Show in Legend

Gets or sets value that allows showing series label in a legend

Show Series Labels

Gets or sets which type of series labels will be used: from chart settings or from settings from the series


Gets or sets a series title

4. Argument

Property Name


Argument Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name that indicates a value of an argument


Gets or sets an expression of an argument. For example: {Order.Argument}

List of Arguments

Gets or sets an expression that indicates a list of arguments. For example: 1;2;3


5. Value

Property Name


Value Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name that indicates a value of data


Gets or sets an expression of a value. For example: {Order.Value}

List of Values

Gets or sets an expression that indicates a list of values. For example: 1;2;3




Stacked Spline, Full-Stacked Spline Series Properties


1. Data

Property Name



Gets or sets a collection of filters


Gets or sets a data format in what series labels will be shown

Sort by

Gets or sets a selection of data sorting by values, arguments, or without sorting

Sort Direction

Gets or sets direction of sorting

Auto Series Key Data Column

Gets or sets data column name with the key-value that is used to create series automatically

Auto Series Color Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name that defines color of automatically created series. The color should be represented as a string

Auto Series Title Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name that defines a title of automatically created series

2. Appearance

Property Name



Gets or sets sets line lighting

Line Color

Gets or sets line color

Line Style

Gets or sets line style

Line Width

Gets or sets line width

Marker Color

Gets or sets marker color

Marker Size

Gets or sets marker size

Marker Type

Gets or sets marker type

Show Shadow

Gets or sets whether a shadow must be shown

3. Behavior

Property Name


Show Marker

Gets or sets marker showing


Gets or sets tension of a line

Y Axis

Gets or sets axis to what a series is assigned

Series Labels

Gets or sets series labels for this series

Show in Legend

Gets or sets value that allows showing series label in a legend

Show Series Labels

Gets or sets which type of series labels will be used: from chart settings or from settings from the series


Gets or sets a series title


4. Argument

Property Name


Argument Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name that indicates a value of an argument


Gets or sets an expression of an argument. For example: {Order.Argument}

List of Arguments

Gets or sets an expression that indicates a list of arguments. For example: 1;2;3

5. Value

Property Name


Value Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name that indicates a value of data


Gets or sets an expression of a value. For example: {Order.Value}

List of Values

Gets or sets an expression that indicates a list of values. For example: 1;2;3




Stacked Area, Full-Stacked Area Series Properties


1. Data

Property Name



Gets or sets a collection of filters


Gets or sets a data format in what series labels will be shown

Sort by

Gets or sets a selection of data sorting by values, arguments, or without sorting

Sort Direction

Gets or sets direction of sorting

Auto Series Key Data Column

Gets or sets data column name with the key-value that is used to create series automatically

Auto Series Color Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name that defines color of automatically created series. The color should be represented as a string

Auto Series Title Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name that defines a title of automatically created series

2. Appearance

Property Name



Gets or sets a brush


Gets or sets sets line lighting

Line Color

Gets or sets line color

Line Style

Gets or sets line style

Line Width

Gets or sets line width

Marker Color

Gets or sets marker color

Marker Size

Gets or sets marker size

Marker Type

Gets or sets marker type

Show Shadow

Gets or sets whether a shadow must be shown


3. Behavior

Property Name


Show Marker

Gets or sets marker showing

Y Axis

Gets or sets axis to what a series is assigned

Series Labels

Gets or sets series labels for this series

Show in Legend

Gets or sets value that allows showing series label in a legend

Show Series Labels

Gets or sets which type of series labels will be used: from chart settings or from settings from the series


Gets or sets a series title

4. Argument

Property Name


Argument Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name that indicates a value of an argument


Gets or sets an expression of an argument. For example: {Order.Argument}

List of Arguments

Gets or sets an expression that indicates a list of arguments. For example: 1;2;3


5. Value

Property Name


Value Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name that indicates a value of data


Gets or sets an expression of a value. For example: {Order.Value}

List of Values

Gets or sets an expression that indicates a list of values. For example: 1;2;3




Stacked Spline Area, Full-Stacked Spline Area Series Properties


1. Data

Property Name



Gets or sets a collection of filters


Gets or sets a data format in what series labels will be shown

Sort by

Gets or sets a selection of data sorting by values, arguments, or without sorting

Sort Direction

Gets or sets direction of sorting

Auto Series Key Data Column

Gets or sets data column name with the key-value that is used to create series automatically

Auto Series Color Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name that defines color of automatically created series. The color should be represented as a string

Auto Series Title Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name that defines a title of automatically created series


2. Appearance

Property Name



Gets or sets a brush


Gets or sets sets line lighting

Line Color

Gets or sets line color

Line Style

Gets or sets line style

Line Width

Gets or sets line width

Marker Color

Gets or sets marker color

Marker Size

Gets or sets marker size

Marker Type

Gets or sets marker type

Show Shadow

Gets or sets whether a shadow must be shown

3. Behavior

Property Name


Show Marker

Gets or sets marker showing


Gets or sets tension of a line

Y Axis

Gets or sets axis to what a series is assigned

Series Labels

Gets or sets series labels for this series

Show in Legend

Gets or sets value that allows showing series label in a legend

Show Series Labels

Gets or sets which type of series labels will be used: from chart settings or from settings from the series


Gets or sets a series title

4. Argument

Property Name


Argument Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name that indicates a value of an argument


Gets or sets an expression of an argument. For example: {Order.Argument}

List of Arguments

Gets or sets an expression that indicates a list of arguments. For example: 1;2;3

5. Value

Property Name


Value Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name that indicates a value of data


Gets or sets an expression of a value. For example: {Order.Value}

List of Values

Gets or sets an expression that indicates a list of values. For example: 1;2;3




Pie, Doughnut Series Properties


1. Data

Property Name



Gets or sets a collection of conditions


Gets or sets a collection of filters


Gets or sets a data format in what series labels will be shown

Sort by

Gets or sets a selection of data sorting by values, arguments, or without sorting

Sort Direction

Gets or sets direction of sorting

Auto Series Key Data Column

Gets or sets data column name with the key-value that is used to create series automatically

Auto Series Color Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name that defines color of automatically created series. The color should be represented as a string

Auto Series Title Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name that defines a title of automatically created series

2. Appearance

Property Name


Border Color

Gets or sets series border color


Gets or sets a brush


Gets or sets static diameter of a chart. If the value is zero, then the diameter will be calculated automatically


Gets or sets sets line lighting

Show Shadow

Gets or sets whether a shadow must be shown

3. Behavior

Property Name


Start Angle

Gets or sets the start angle of chart drawing

Y Axis

Gets or sets axis to what a series is assigned

Series Labels

Gets or sets series labels for this series

Show in Legend

Gets or sets value that allows showing series label in a legend

Show Series Labels

Gets or sets which type of series labels will be used: from chart settings or from settings from the series


Gets or sets a series title


Gets or sets a distance to pull out a chart slice

Cut Pie List

Gets or sets a list of pulled out slices

4. Argument

Property Name


Argument Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name that indicates a value of an argument


Gets or sets an expression of an argument. For example: {Order.Argument}

List of Arguments

Gets or sets an expression that indicates a list of arguments. For example: 1;2;3


5. Value

Property Name


Value Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name that indicates a value of data


Gets or sets an expression of a value. For example: {Order.Value}

List of Values

Gets or sets an expression that indicates a list of values. For example: 1;2;3




Gantt Series Properties


1. Data

Property Name



Gets or sets a collection of conditions


Gets or sets a collection of filters


Gets or sets a data format in what series labels will be shown

Sort by

Gets or sets a selection of data sorting by values, arguments, or without sorting

Sort Direction

Gets or sets direction of sorting

Auto Series Key Data Column

Gets or sets data column name with the key-value that is used to create series automatically

Auto Series Color Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name that defines color of automatically created series. The color should be represented as a string

Auto Series Title Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name that defines a title of automatically created series

2. Appearance

Property Name


Border Color

Gets or sets a border color


Gets or sets a brush

Show Shadow

Gets or sets whether a shadow must be shown


3. Behavior

Property Name


Show Zeros

Gets or sets a value that visualizes zero values of series


Gets or sets a series column width

Y Axis

Gets or sets axis to what a series is assigned

Series Labels

Gets or sets series labels for this series

Show in Legend

Gets or sets value that allows showing series label in a legend

Show Series Labels

Gets or sets which type of series labels will be used: from chart settings or from settings from the series


Gets or sets a series title


4. Argument

Property Name


Argument Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name that indicates a value of an argument


Gets or sets an expression of an argument. For example: {Order.Argument}

List of Arguments

Gets or sets an expression that indicates a list of arguments. For example: 1;2;3

5. Value

Property Name


Value Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name that indicates a value of data


Gets or sets an expression of a value. For example: {Order.Value}

List of Values

Gets or sets an expression that indicates a list of values. For example: 1;2;3

6. Value End

Property Name


Value Data Column End

Gets or sets a data column name that indicates a value of data

Value End

Gets or sets a expression of the end value. For example: {Order.Value}

List of Values End

Gets or sets an expression that indicates a list of values. For example: 1;2;3




Scatter Series Properties


1. Data

Property Name



Gets or sets a collection of filters


Gets or sets a data format in what series labels will be shown

Sort by

Gets or sets a selection of data sorting by values, arguments, or without sorting

Sort Direction

Gets or sets direction of sorting

Auto Series Key Data Column

Gets or sets data column name with the key-value that is used to create series automatically

Auto Series Color Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name that defines color of automatically created series. The color should be represented as a string

Auto Series Title Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name that defines a title of automatically created series



2. Appearance

Property Name


Labels Offset

Gets or sets vertical offset of labels in relation to its first position

Marker Color

Gets or sets marker color

Marker Size

Gets or sets marker size

Marker Type

Gets or sets marker type

Show Shadow

Gets or sets whether a shadow must be shown

3. Behavior

Property Name


Show Marker

Gets or sets marker showing

Y Axis

Gets or sets axis to what a series is assigned

Series Labels

Gets or sets series labels for this series

Show in Legend

Gets or sets value that allows showing series label in a legend

Show Series Labels

Gets or sets which type of series labels will be used: from chart settings or from settings from the series


Gets or sets a series title

4. Argument

Property Name


Argument Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name that indicates a value of an argument


Gets or sets an expression of an argument. For example: {Order.Argument}

List of Arguments

Gets or sets an expression that indicates a list of arguments. For example: 1;2;3

5. Value

Property Name


Value Data Column

Gets or sets a data column name that indicates a value of data


Gets or sets an expression of a value. For example: {Order.Value}

List of Values

Gets or sets an expression that indicates a list of values. For example: 1;2;3



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