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The properties of the WebViewerSL Zoom panel are described below.


· The ShowPageViewSingleModeButton property shows/hides the Single Page button. If the ShowPageViewSingleModeButton property is set to true, then the Single Page button will be shown. If the ShowPageViewSingleModeButton property is set to false, then the Single Page button will be hidden. By default the property is set to true;


· The ShowPageViewContinuousModeButton property shows/hides the Continuous button. If the ShowPageViewContinuousModeButton property is set to true, then the Continuous button will be shown. If the ShowPageViewContinuousModeButton property is set to false, then the Continuous button will be hidden. By default the property is set to true;


· The ShowPageViewMultipleModeButton property shows/hides the Multiple Pages button. If the ShowPageViewMultipleModeButton property is set to true, then the Multiple Pages button will be shown. If the ShowPageViewMultipleModeButton property is set to false, then the Multiple Pages button will be hidden. By default the property is set to true;


· The ShowSliderZoomControl property shows/hides the Zoom slider. If the ShowZoom property is set to true, then the slider will be shown. If the ShowZoom property is set to false, then the Zoom slider will be hidden. By default the property is set to true.


· The ZoomMode is used to change report zoom. This property has the following values: Default, OnePage, TwoPages, PageWidth.
· The Default value sets previously saved zoom of a report in WebViewerSL. So, if a report was saved with 37% zoom then, when opening it next time, 37% zoom of a report showing remains;
· The PageWidth value sets zoom by Page Width. So the width of the report template matches the width of the window of the web designer;
· The OnePage value sets zoom by One Page. So the entire page of the report template fits in the window of the web viewer;
· The TwoPages value sets zoom by Two Pages. So two pages of a report fit by height and width the window of the WebViewerSL.


· The Zoom provides an opportunity to zoom in the viewer. This property can take any value from 0 to 100, where the value of the Zoom is the zoom percentage. For example, if the Zoom property is set to 70, the zoom in the viewer will be equal to 70 percent.



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