Cataloguing Periodical Templates



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Before a Periodical Issue can be catalogued, it is necessary to create a Periodical Template, which is what is described in this topic. It is also recommend to read the topic Getting Started with Periodicals before following the instructions in this article to make sure that you are familiar with the terms used throughout.


Although the steps in this topic refer to "Periodicals", the content in this topic also applies to cataloguing Journal Issues. Doing so is exactly the same although you need to select / choose Journal instead of Periodical where applicable.



·Click Add to begin cataloguing a resource in Management then choose Periodical.




·Click the Periodical radial button (1) and all boxes apart from EAN/ISBN and ISSN will be greyed out. This is because the barcode number, issue number and Volume number are not applicable in this context  (remember that the template is catalogued first, these fields only apply to an issue). The title is currently greyed out but this will be entered shortly.




·Enter the EAN/ISBN of the Periodical (2). Notice that when you do this, the ISSN field will be automatically populated and then load the record card.




·Enter any details as required on the catalogue record then click Save when you are done.




Periodical issues can then be created based on this template. Details covering how to do this can be found in the topic Cataloguing Periodical Issues.




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