Accelerated Reader



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Accelerated Reader integrates well with Junior For people browsing the library system, it means that they are able to determine whether resources contain an AR quiz and what book level it is. The system also allows borrowers to be directed to the quiz on the AR website so that when they have read a book, they can take the associated quiz.


For more information about Accelerated Reader including how to set it up in the system, click here. The remaining parts of this topic assume that there are resources on the system that have been linked to AR.



Viewing AR Quizzes from Junior Classic


When a borrower is browsing the catalogue from the Classic home page (Enquiry), a book that contains an AR quiz is indicated by the AR logo  displaying next to the resource, such as the resources The Battle of the Viking Woman and Eddie and the Dirty Dogs below.




If the borrower hovers the mouse over this icon the Quiz number, Book Level, Points and Interest level all display for the resource.




Notice that there is also a button for Take Quiz. If this button is clicked then the user will be directed straight to the AR login page. Note that this does depend on the option being configured in the Management area first. See the topic Configuring the AR Customer ID for more information about doing this.




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