The instructions in this topic explain how to check items in and out of stock check, which is a fundamental part of the stock check process. Before following the instructions in this topic, ensure that the stock check interface is in view. For details about getting to this point, see the topic Editing a Previously Started Stock Check.
There are a number of features explained in this topic, click on the links below to jump to the appropriate heading or scroll down this page.
- Checking items in Stock Check (Barcode scanner)
- Checking items in Stock Check (keyboard)
- Checking items in Stock Check (Mouse)
- Removing Resource from Stock Check
Checking Items Using a Scanner
The instructions below explain how to check items using a barcode scanner.
·Before scanning resources, firstly make sure that the Checked Items tab is on-screen.
·Begin scanning the accession number of the books. Notice that as each resource is scanned, it is added to the Checked Items list.
In addition, notice that the number of Checked items also increases by 1 when a barcode is scanned. Continue scanning items until all books that are on the shelf have been scanned.
Checking Items using the Keyboard
If a scanner cannot be used or a particular barcode cannot be scanned (due to a damaged barcode for example) then the keyboard can be used to type in the number.
·Click the BulkScan icon from the Stock Check interface.
·In the BulkScan box that opens, scan or type the barcode accession number of the resource. As each resource is scanned, the number that was recognised will appear on-screen.
You can click OK at any time to return to the stock check interface to continue, alternatively continue typing numbers into the text box. After clicking OK, the resources are added to the Checked tab.
Checking Items using the Mouse
It is also possible to check items using the mouse.
·Select the Missing Items tab
·Highlight the resource to mark as checked and click the Check icon.
·The resource will be added to the list in the Checked Items list and the counter under Totals will increase.
Un-checking Resources
In some circumstances it may be desirable to move items from the Checked Items list to the Missing List. For example, an item is scanned as it is on the shelf but you then decide to discharge the item from the library due to it being damaged.
·To remove an item from the checked items list, first locate it in the Checked Items list.
Click on the row so it is highlighted as shown above.
·Click Un-check from the Stock Check tool bar and the resource will be moved to the Missing Items list.
Removing Resources from Stock Check
It might be desirable to remove a resource from the stock taking session completely, when perhaps the immediate resource item shouldn't be included. This is sometimes required when all items on the shelf have been scanned and the missing items list is being reviewed. There might be items that have been classified incorrect for instance and therefore should not belong in the Stock Check.
·Click on a resource in any tab (All Items, Checked Items or Missing Items) to highlight it.
·Click Remove from the tool bar in order to remove the selected resource from the Stock Check completely. Note that this will not remove the item from the Resources table, it will only be removed from the Stock Check.
The resource will be removed from the current stock taking session but will not be affected in the main Resources catalogue.
Selecting Multiple Items
It is possible to highlight more than one resource simultaneously by enabling Flagging. This can be used from all three tabs and it allows the user to either check, un-check or remove multiple resources from the stock taking session at the same time.
·To begin, click on the Flag icon from the desired tab.
·An additional column displaying flags will be appended to the left of the Stock Check grid.
·Simply click on the flags corresponding to the resources to select them.
Flagged resources are indicated by the red flags.
·It is then possible to check these items in, in one go. Click the Check icon if you wish to do this.
Alternatively, you may want to click Flagged Only, which will display only the items that were flagged. This is helpful when you wish to print the flagged resources.
Saving a Stock Check
Saving a Stock Check is done automatically for you. When you check an item in, a record of this is immediately saved. Should you wish to close the Stock Check window and need to resume it later, you can click Close or the x. Doing this will not discard any changes you have made to your stock check since it was opened.
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