Creating a new Stock Check



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The instructions in this topic explain how to create a new stock check. It is important to know that only resources that are contained within the stock check will be affected when the stock check is finalised. This means that it is possible to split parts of the stock check up if stock taking the library in one go is not practical.


·To create a new Stock Check, click Modules / Stock Check... from the top menu.




·The Stock Check window will appear on-screen.




·To create a new stock check, click New... on the right of the stock check window.




·The New Stock Check window will appear.




·Firstly, type in a description into the Description text box. It is advised to enter something that accurately describes the created stock check, for example, "Reference 02/08/2013" if the stock check is only going to be based on reference books.


·Next, choose what selection of resources the stock check should be based on under Options.



Note in this example that Reference Stock Only has been checked as this is what the stock check is being based on, notice how the description reflects this.




If Selection From is checked then it is possible to base a stock check purely on Media, Location, Owner or the Level.





·After selecting the resources that should be stock checked, tick or un-tick the Exclude Items on Loan check box depending on whether or not they should be included in the stock check.





If the Exclude Items on Loan box is checked then the on loan resources will not be affected unless scanned into the stock check in which case at the end of the stock check there is the option to return them.




·When all options have been chosen click OK and the system will create the desired stock check and load the stock check interface.



For information about using the stock check interface, view the topic Using the Stock Check Interface.







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