Changing Scheduler specific Reminder settings



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This topic explains how to alter the following settings that are only applicable to running Reminders on a scheduled basis. It is important to configure these options before generating reminders using the scheduler and they do not apply when reminders are manually generated. Once these have been defined, see the topic Scheduling Reminders for details on how to automate them.


- The Statement Reminder to generate when using the scheduler.

- The Group Reminder to send when using the scheduler.

- Whether borrowers at the maximum reminder number have this reminder re-printed.

- Configuring whether Reminders are sent on closed days.


·Click Settings / Reminders from the menu at the top of the page then click the  Options tab.




This topic does not focus on the Grouping and Sorting options also available within this area. For details about configuring the Grouping and Sorting, see the dedicated topic here.



·Check or un-check the tick box for Do not send on closed days. Closed days are defined within the calendar as described here. If this option is enabled then reminders will not generate automatically on the scheduler if the interval falls on a closed day.


·Check or un-check the tick box for Reprint last reminder when limit reached. If a borrower is at their maximum reminder number then this check box defines whether or not the last reminder is re-generated for the user.




·Select from the drop down menu under Group Reminders to define which reminder is used when generated on the scheduler. Unlike individual reminders that are sequential, group reminders have the same reminder generated each time. Select the reminder to generate from the drop down menu.




·Select which Statement Reminder to generate when using the scheduler to run the statement reminders.




·If any changes are made, click OK to retain them.






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